I’m Your Dream Protector

Duck Family


But how many times do we really achieve our goals and realize our dreams in our entire lifetime?
How many times have we regretted having to miss the chances that we had?
As we grow older, we will gain knowledge and experience, but can I ask:
"What keeps you awake at night now? What fears do you face?"

So… When was the last time you sat down and ponder?



  • It is not necessary to dump in everything and start grabbing what has to offer, but what should you be planning about? At the young age and everything is fresh, how should you start planning?

YES... I DO!

  • Saying yes is the first step to a new phase of life as a couple, as a family. Do you know what can be done to get yourselves (including your partner) prepared?


  • It is real and I had seen it all. Be it your Central Provident Fund (CPF) for your new Built-to-Order (BTO) or the soon-to-be depleting funds in your Medisave account due to your sick elderly parents or in-laws?


  • Only to start planning after your first trimester? Or have you been preparing for that day where your child can pursue a dream of becoming a famous pianist or not worrying about their future overseas education?


  • It takes less than a fraction of your pay to start off with a full coverage for your Hospitalisation and Surgical needs. Why save up to pay for the hefty medical bills?


  • Being the boss of your own company, are you giving enough protection for the ones that fight for you? Have you ever appreciate their loyalty and hard work by ensuring them a speedy recovery and worry-free bills when they are sick?

NUMBER 55 / 65?

  • Are you left with fifteen years to accumulate for retirement or have you actually started to save a little for rainy days? Are you making your money work harder for you or are you working hard to find the money? "Little drops of water makes up a mighty ocean."


  • Legacy planning celebrate your lifetime accomplishment and preserve for the generations to come. Will everyone be able to achieve that?


Even with tight schedules I can make planning simple and easy for you and your love ones. Just 3hrs each year to catch up and plan. Let me help you and we shall work together to protect your dreams and make them happen!

"As we do not plan to fail, but many times, we fail to plan..." - Benjamin Franklin


“For Steve, selling was not his priority. Hearing your needs, your stories was his. I find myself not being a client but a friend. He is a friend whom I confide to and not an agent. 

Not only that, he continues to keep in contact and ensure that things are going well for me. I receive regular greetings on my birthday, Chinese New Year and holiday seasons. Knowing Steve is really a blessing. 

Besides bringing more knowledge about financial planning to me, he is someone who cares for his client like his friend & family. Thank you for all the smiles, patience and knowledge you have been giving me & my family over the years!”

— Zean Ng, Senior Sales Support Executive